We believe in fostering positive, creative change. We believe in supporting causes dedicated to improving the quality of Jewish life worldwide. We believe in the power of our core areas of giving: education, women’s issues, Israel, Holocaust awareness, and our self-generated initiatives. We are in the business of seeking out and supporting potential, because we believe that good ideas, when well-executed, make the planet a better place.
Recent News
Targum Shlishi Supports New Anthology Of Essays On Spiritual Themes
Targum Shlishi contributed to the publication and on-line production of Mesorah Matrix, a 10 theme, 10 volume compilation of 200 original essays on Jewish thought and spirituality by 150 international leaders. This decade-long endeavor features collaboration across various streams of Judaism, sharing approaches that can inspire people of any faith. The material is available in various modalities...
Targum Shlishi Supports a Free Digital Version of a Book that Explores the Relationship between Faith and Critical Biblical Scholarship
Targum Shlishi's support has made it possible for anyone to download a free digital version of the English translation of the book The Believer and the Modern Study of the Bible, edited by Tova Ganzel, Yehudah Brandes, and Chayuta Deutsch (Academic Studies Press, March 2019).
Targum Shlishi Supports New Anthology Of Essays On Spiritual Themes
Targum Shlishi contributed to the publication and on-line production of Mesorah Matrix, a 10 theme, 10 volume compilation of 200 original essays on Jewish thought and spirituality by 150 international leaders. This decade-long endeavor features collaboration across various streams of Judaism, sharing approaches that can inspire people of any faith. The material is available in various modalities...
Yitz Greenberg and Modern Orthodoxy: The Road Not Taken—New Book Builds On Academic Work of Oxford University Symposium In Part Sponsored By Targum Shlishi
Yitz Greenberg and Modern Orthodoxy: The Road Not Taken (Academic Studies Press) a new collection of essays edited by Adam Ferziger, Miri Freud-Kandel, and Steven Bayme, expands upon a series of academic conversations that took place during a 2014 symposium at Oxford University sponsored in part by Targum Shlishi...
Targum Shlishi Supports Sobibor Documentary, Deadly Deception at Sobibor, Reveals Hidden Truths of Holocaust Extermination Camp
Filmmaker Gary Hochman has led a remarkable effort to uncover the Nazis' attempt to erase the painful history of Sobibor, by documenting the work of international archaeology team Yoram Haimi (Israel), Wojciech Mazurek (Poland), and Ivar Schute (Netherlands). Over the last twelve years, this team unearthed...
Targum Shlishi Supports Translation of the Netziv’s Major Work for Sefaria’s Online, Free-Access Library
Sefaria: A Living Library of Jewish Texts online, has recently released an annotated English translation of Rabbi Naphtali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin’s introduction to his Ha’amek She’elah on Sheiltot d'Rav Achai Gaon. The commentary is known as the Darkah Shel Torah, (the Path of Torah). Targum Shlishi awarded a grant to...
Targum Shlishi Supports a Free Digital Version of a Book that Explores the Relationship between Faith and Critical Biblical Scholarship
Targum Shlishi's support has made it possible for anyone to download a free digital version of the English translation of the book The Believer and the Modern Study of the Bible, edited by Tova Ganzel, Yehudah Brandes, and Chayuta Deutsch (Academic Studies Press, March 2019).
Talking With: Documentary Filmmaker Miryam Rabinowitz
Targum Shlishi's support has made it possible for anyone to download a free digital version of the English translation of the book The Believer and the Modern Study of the Bible, edited by Tova Ganzel, Yehudah Brandes, and Chayuta Deutsch (Academic Studies Press, March 2019).