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Apply for Grants

Targum Shlishi focuses on four primary areas of giving: Education, Women’s Issues, Israel, and Justice for Nazi War Crimes/Holocaust Education. We seek out projects that are innovative, dedicated to improving the quality of Jewish life, and that have the potential to effect meaningful and positive change. Please note that we are a small foundation and our grants are modest. For more in-depth information on the types of projects we are interested in supporting, see “About .”

The application process begins by contacting us with a brief description of your organization and the specific project(s) for which you are seeking funding. We do not award general support. If we are interested, we begin a dialog with you and if it progresses, we ask you to fill out a formal application. We do not have deadlines; you may contact us at any time.

We reserve the right to not review/not respond to unsolicited applications.

To contact us with questions/submit materials:
Andrea Gollin
Program Director
Targum Shlishi
3029 Northeast 188 Street
Suite 1114
Aventura, Florida 33180

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