Abraham Fund
Abraham Joshua Heschel School
Academy of Jewish Learning
Academy of Jewish Religion
Alzheimer’s Association of Northern NJ
American—Israel Chamber of Commerce
American Association of Ben Gurion University
American Cancer Society
American Friends of Shiloh
American Friends of Sanz
Medical Center
American Israel Economic
Research & Education
American Jewish Committee
Bais Medrash of South Florida
Bais Shandel High School
Bais Yaakov of Spring Valley
Ben Gurion University
Beth Medrash Gevoha
Beth Oloth
Biodiversity Associates
Camp Mogen Avroham
Camp Morasha—Yachad Program
Casa Lubavitch
Chai Lifeline
Children of the Holocaust
Memorial Hospital
Congregation B’nai Jeshuron
Congregation Kol Arie
Conservative Synagogue of Riverdale
Council for Initiative in
Jewish Education
Disabled Businesspersons
Discovery Museum
Educational Center in the Galil
Epilepsy Foundation of New Jersey
Exit Art / The First World
Foundation for the Jewish Community
Friends of Sheba Medical Center
Gemilath Chasodim of Flatbush
Goldring Woldenberg Institute
Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Guild for the Blind
Hatzolah of Flatbush
Hatzoloh Westside
Hebrew Academy of Miami Beach
Hebrew Free Burial Society
Hesder Yeshiva Shiloh
Higher Authority Productions
Highland Lakes Shul
Humpty Dumpty Institute
Institute of Southern Jewish Life
International Academy of Homeopathy
Israel Chesed Fund Israel Religious
Action Center
Israel Sephardic Education Foundation
Israel Tennis Center Association
Jewish Communal Fund
Jewish Community Relations Council
Jewish Foundation for The Righteous
Jewish Funders Network
Jewish Hospice
Jewish Leadership Institute
Jewish Life Network
Jewish Museum
Jewish Student Press Service
Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Junior Achievement of NY
Kailash Foundation of New York
Kerem Aniyim
Little Orchestra Society
Lyra Mixed Choir Of Zagreb
Machon Ahavat Emet
Maimonides School
March of Dimes
Memorial Sloan Kettering
Mesivta Chaim Berlin
Miami Beach Community Kollel
Michael—Ann Russell JCC
Mount Sinai Children’s Center
MUSE Film and Television
Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami
Museum of Modern Art
Museum of The Southern Jewish Experience
Nachal Novea Makor Chochma
National Institute for Jewish Hospice
National Jewish Center for
Learning & Leadership
National Yiddish Book Center
New Alternatives for Children
New Hyde Park Jewish Center
New York Botanical Gardens
New York Press Club Foundation
Noam Shabbos
North American Conference
on Ethiopian Jewry
Red Cross
Rodeph Sholom School
Save a Child’s Heart Foundation—US
Shaare Zedek Hospital
Shehebar Sephardic Center
Temple Emanu-El
Temple Sinai of Hollywood
Temple Sinai of North Dade
The Shul Sisterhood
Tomche Shabbos of Boro Park
and Flatbush
UNICEF NY Metropolitan Committee
United Israel Appeal
United Jewish Appeal of
Jewish Philanthropies
United Lifeline
Whitney Museum
WLRN Public Radio
World Union of Judaism
Yad Vashem
Yeshiva Chasam Sofer
Yeshiva Rambam
Yeshivat Bnei Akiva