Book Support, Taking the Plunge: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to the Mikveh
Targum Shlishi is helping to support the second English edition of the book Taking the Plunge: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to the Mikveh, by Miriam Berkowitz, to be published in 2009, as well as the book’s translation into Hebrew, which is expected to be published in 2010. Taking the Plunge explains the how-to of mikveh from a Conservative perspective, although the book is used by people across the religious spectrum. Topics covered include the preparations, what to do and say, a historic perspective, and discussion of the traditional reasons and benefits of mikveh along with creative new lifecycle uses for celebration and for healing that have developed from the resurgence of interest in the mikveh in recent decades in the U.S. and, lately, growing interest in Israel.
W.I.Z.O. Florida, General Support, Miami
W.I.Z.O. (Women’s International Zionist Organization) is dedicated to advancing the status of women in Israel as well as providing for the welfare of all sectors of Israeli society and encouraging Jewish education. W.I.Z.O.’s Miami branch supports the organization’s primary objectives. Targum Shlishi often supports W.I.Z.O. and W.I.Z.O. Florida initiatives.