Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), General Support, New York
JTA produces breaking news and analysis on issues of interest and concern to the Jewish world. Based in New York, the non-profit organization’s reporting covers the Jewish world nationally and internationally. Content feeds into several websites; JTA is also a news service for more than one hundred Jewish publications and websites worldwide. Targum Shlishi has supported JTA in multiple years.
Beit David Highland Lakes Shul, Torah Dedication, Aventura, FL
Targum Shlishi dedicated a Torah to the memory of children killed in the Holocaust and in honor of Israel’s soldiers.
The Shul of Bal Harbour, Various Programs, Miami, FL
The Shul of Bal Harbour is an innovative synagogue with a varied membership, ranging from experienced congregants to Jews just returning to or learning about their roots, to an active Sephardic component. Targum Shlishi has supported several projects at The Shul in recent years.